About rakeembrookins

From Philadelphia, a junior at Siena College, and my major is sociology.

Visual Evidence

Visual imagery gives listeners a way to perceive something when nothing is really happening. In my documentary visual imagery is used to give people a feeling of what goes on during or after a crime scene. Aside of participants, I used pictures of victims that have captions at the bottom of each picture. The captions state the age of the victim and the name of the felony that was committed. Another visual imagery that is used is video scene of funeral services and funeral burials. With death being a major issue in this documentary I thought this was a way people can see what these crimes and felonies result to. I will get the imagery from newspaper articles, obituaries, and murals. I will drive throughout black communities taping whatever is relevant to a murder within the community. When taping the documentary it will show the street corners of where crimes occurred, schools, and the different neighborhoods that deals with the most crimes.

These imageries are useful for my work because it allows me to show people the type of results that crime and felonies lead to. When you show different imagery of funeral services and crimes scene, it gives out an emotional feeling from the documentary. When people watch this documentary they will look at crime differently than reading about it. I am trying to get the viewers to feel what I felt and hopefully get them to look at the situation more in dept.

In every documentary there is music that gives a certain vibe to a scene. Music can separate your thoughts about a scene being good or bad. They type of music that I used in the documentary was Hip-Hop and gospel music. Hip-Hop music comes into the play when the street names and different felonies are being addressed. Hip-hop gives off a gangster approach to what is happening in the society today. Hip-Hop today talks a lot about guns and felonies, so I thought it would be perfect for those scenes. The other type of music that will be used is gospel. In black communities everyone goes to church and listens to gospel music. Gospel music is good for scenes that show funeral services because that is the type of music that black family’s play; this will give the documentary an emotional vibe. I will also use different smaller sounds like ambulance, police sirens, and gun shots to give a negative effect to the viewers.

Visual imagery can make a big difference to a viewer. It makes people see what they would not see if they read it. With different sounds, pictures, and scenes the documentary can make viewers feel like they were actually a part of the documentary.


                                                                                                                                                   In this documentary participants will be recruited to express their life experiences with black on black crime. Each year roughly 7,000 blacks are murdered and ninety-four percent of the time the murderer is another black person (TBO, 2012). Black on black crime is in fact a worldwide epidemic that has to be stopped. By reaching out to predominantly black communities I will be holding conferences with those who were affected by black on black crime, and informing them on what is going on within their communities. I will also go to the nearby schools to give lectures to the kids and our young adults, for they are the change of the world we live in. After holding these conferences with many people young to old, I will ask if anyone would volunteer to speak on their experience, and or their lost due to black-on-black crime. Once I have gathered at least five participants, they will all be asked some very specific questions. Each participant will have a one on one interview with myself, where I will ask the following questions:
How has black-on-black crime affected you?
Were you ever a victim of black-on-black crime?
Was a family member or friend that was close to you affected by black-on-black crime?
What would you try to do to stop black-on-black crime?
What do you think causes black-on-black crime?
How have you managed with this situation?
After each participants are individually interviewed they will go out to different communities and schools to share their stories and experiences with black on black crime. Each participant will be followed on their journey to each neighborhood and recorded while they speak out to the communities. By the participants going out to the different communities and voicing their experiences and stories about their loved ones that were affected by black-on-black crime will help bring a stop to this epidemic. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, between 1976 and 2011 there were 279,384 black murder victims. Using the 94 percent figure means that 262,621 were murdered by other blacks. Though blacks are 13 percent of the nation’s population, they account for more than 50 percent of homicide victims. Nationally, the black homicide victimization rate is six times that of whites, and in some cities it’s 22 times that of whites. Coupled with being most of the nation’s homicide victims, blacks are most of the victims of violent personal crimes, such as assault and robbery (TBO, 2012). As you can see Black-on-Black crime is in fact a huge percentage of what’s happening in the world that we live in, and with people speaking up on their experiences and about their loved ones we can help bring a stop to this. Everyone’s voice is important, and hearing the pain, heartache, fear, and change that occurred in each participant life will help express the message that I am trying to get across. With the participants that I have gathered, young and old, will contribute their knowledge, time, experiences, and stories about those they lost due to black-on-black crime.

Main Argument

In my proposed research I am exposing problematic issues between the race of black people.  In today’s society black on black crime has been among the most popular felonies in daily life.  Poverty was thought to be the most prominent cause of crime.  So by helping the crime between black, poverty within the community can also become greater.

This topic is important to me for a few reasons.  One, I believe that black on black crime is really affecting the people in these communities, especially the youth.  The youth that is exposed to this violence are likely to be introduced to it first hand; then is becomes a domino effect with the following generations.  It is important to lead the youth in the right path; they are the future to our nation.  Secondly, poverty is causing major problems in neighborhoods.  Poverty has been a challenge for the black communities in the United States.  Twenty percent of all black families are living in poverty today.  Frustration and stress develops when a family is living in poverty.  Because these families are living poorly men believe they have to commit a felony to get a few dollars to support their family.  The crime rate in these areas of poverty will not become any better because of the felonies that take place.  This leads into my last reason of importance.  A relationships between neighbors is meaningful in a community.  Crimes as in robbery and homicides that go on in the neighborhoods prevent the community from getting to know each other.  Felonies keep the citizens in their homes because they are afraid what may happen if they came outside.  These three things all correspond with one another, poverty is causing crime and crime is making the relationship between neighbors difficult.  If these communities had more monitoring it could gradually become better.

Black on black crime in socially significant becuase it is a social control.  Social controls are controls exerted by an action.  One kind of social control that is involved with black on black crime is self-help.  People think by acting with aggression or violence will help them handle the situation better or even make them happier.  You should be able to control your own emotions and actions.  Crime and other illegal felonies should not be a way of bringing happiness to anyone.

In this research I am presenting a way you read and visualize things that are destroying the society.  The information given will tell a story and the steps that lead into violenace between African Americans.  When reading this I am trying to allow the reader to use their imagination.  Many people lack comprehension; my goal is to put a story in a visual imagery perspective to help people understand the reading.


While watching the documentaries on black on black crime there were some differences between them.  The first one I watched was produced by Matt Howard called Black on Black Intro (Crime Documentary).  The documentary started with a KKK member preaching about how he loved black people.  The reason for him saying that he loved black people was because of the crime that has been going on within these black communities.  The member of the KKK made a public service announcement which stated “I don’t hate black men, I actually love black men because black men are killing other black men”.  This quote designated that the KKK memeber was fine with all the killing going on, he wanted it to continue.  I do not think it is acceptable for people to make statements like that, in my documentary instead of allowing these things to happen we should try and come together to make a difference.

In the second documentary it was little different in some aspects but was similar in others.  The documentary is produced by Chicago Fire based in Detroit, which was the number one crime city of all.  It began on the crime back in the 1920’s, where a gang known as the Purple Gang was originated.  The Purple Gang weas very violent and did illegal things to make a lot of money.  They say this gang might have started the crime issued in the inter- cities.  In today’s society the black communities are the same.  Black men are sailing illegal drugs to make a living, but this is causing crimes in the communitites with the hatred and jealousy against one another.  Detroit is no different from Philadelphia, the crime rate in these two cities are very similar and increased exorbitantly every year.  The people in these inter- cities think they have to go rob or kill for them to live comfortably.  This is making others in the neighborhoods afraid to even walk to the store without worrying about what may happen.  Crime dose not solve problems! When people are ignorant to what is going on within the area you could be killed yourself; and this starts my issues of “Street Wars”.

In the last documentary the director, Dwaine Mitchell talked about subjects that correspond with my documentary on how he wanted to find ways to make the community better.  Dwaine is much like me,  he’s from the streets but he was not a gang banger nor criminal; instead Dwaine wanted to find ways to stop what was going on in his community.  Dwaine wrote a book on black on black crime.  In his book he wrote ways to make areas of crime and poverty a safe place due to the string of events that’s been happening.  What made Dwaine documentary different and interesting was the beginning.  At the start of his documentary he had a poet speak on situations that actually go on in these communitites.  The poet stated that the crimes are mostly started by jealousy and embarrassment.  In today’s society a lot of men think about what everyone thinks or say about them.  When they think that way it makes the person act as if they cannot control their actions, this comes with maturity.  Immaturity is a big part of the crime that is going on today.  Some people just have to react to jealousy or embarrassment in crime when they could just be the bigger person and move on.  I focus on people behavior in the documentary, and most people do not want to be considered as a punk so that is what leads them to violence.

In the documentaries that was watched it gave me a since of how whites and blacks respond to the crime that has been going on forever and the only way to help the issue is if we help ourselves first.





Social Theory

“Homicide continues to be a major cause of death in the United States (Mark pg.605).” Over many years black on black crime has been increasing drastically.  It has been the most discussed topic by black scholars, journalist, politicians, and community activist.  The lack of diligence by the police and the poverty in the inner-cities are causing the crimes rate to increase.

The difference between black communities and white communities is Poverty.  Poverty is a lack of money of material possessions and is an extreme disadvantage in the black communities.  Poverty caused them frustration; no jobs, welfare dependence, disrupted family, and teenage parenthood are causing these people to act in a certain way (Edward & Darrell, 1994).  These issues that brought poverty are leading to homicides and robbery between the same races.  Statistics have shown that 94 percent of black males are murdered by another black male (Mark, 1989).  All over the US today this issue has been notified.  The level of poverty had increased every year; these poor communities are not being helped by others (Paul, pg.288).” The governments and mayors should get help for these communities to better the city as a whole.  There has been a voluntary association that people could attend.  The issue is, blacks had the least participates (Michael, pg. 529)”.  “Extreme disadvantaged neighborhoods are characterized by a high degree of social isolation from mainstream society (Lauren & Ruth, pg. 619).” Blacks are less attracted to be participants in these associations; although they need the help.  In order to become a better society we have to not isolate ourselves from what can make this situation of black crime better.  The United States need to get help in these communities.

1977 in Kansa City, there was a group called The Ad Hoc Group.  This group was organized to help the black communities with crime issues.  The group was formed to response to the lack of help by police.  Not only in Kansa City were there lack of police monitoring but this was going on everywhere.  Police should be in the communities watching over every corner.  The district needs to be stricter on the police especially when the crime rates are increasing.  This would actually help the areas because if there is a cop that is noticeable in the area people would be smarter and not shoot or rob another person.  Today the police officers are not responding fast enough to this issue.  The Ad Hoc Group created a task force; the task force would document the problems of black on black homicide and recommend solutions (Mark, 1989).  The programs didn’t waste any time, the goal was to help the society and come to a conclusion to why these crimes even began; although they did not stop the violence that was going on the move a step in the right direction.  Black communities all need this type of assistance.  The more that people coming along as a unit and try to make things better, eventually will overcome the issue at hand.  The events that The Ad Hoc Group held made it to the media, and it focused on how and what needs to be done to help the issue of black crime.

Poverty is a big problem in the urban areas today but I don’t believe that is should lead to violence.  People are living poorly because they cannot find jobs to provide for the family; neither do they take action on getting a job.  If you want to do better you have to make a solid effort to do so and not just result to crime.  Violence does not make anything better, violence only makes matters worst.  Yes, we do need more help in keeping the neighborhoods safe.  Police is one step but you can build your own foundation and help each other in the community like The Ad Hoc Group did.  With the help from oneself and police officers the community can become much better, but we can also make a change by coming together as a family.

Here is a link to The Ad Hoc Group website : http://www.adhocgroupkc.com/.  On this website you can see the different events they hold, blogs that were discussed, and a discription on how they do things.

Jargowsky A. Paul Journal policy analysis and manage, Vol.13, No. 2, (spring, 1994) pp. 288-310

Krivo J. Lauren & Ruth D. Peterson Social Force, Vol. 75, No. 2 (dec., 1996), pp.619-648

Mitchell A. Mark & Stacey Daniels Public Health Reports (1974-), Vol 104, No. 6 (Nov-Dec., 1989) pg. 605-608

Shi Hadeh S. Edward & Darrell J. Steffensmeter Social Forces, Vol. 73, No. 2 (Dec, 1994) pp. 729-751

Stoll S. Michael Sociological forum, Vol.16, No. 3 (Sep., 2001). pp. 529


My purpose for writing about this topic is because I can relate to it the most.  Today the black on black crime is a sensitive subject in this polarized nation.  With the topics of academics and politics people tend to turn their heads about this issue, instead they worry about their own race and what they can do to better their community.  The crime rate has increased drastically between the same race especially in Philadelphia. Here is a example of what happens in the black communites. A clip of a man that was watching another guy when he finally ran up on him and gunned him down.


Growing up in the inter-city Philadelphia I witness a lot of these things happen; one street shooting at the next street beside them.  Kids like you saw in the video going around shooting at people because they think it is fun.  These crimes lead to what is known as “Race Wars”.  To prevent these issues from happening is going to take time; it is not just going to happen overnight.  But the sooner the police district and mayor get on top of it the sooner things will be able to get better in our community.  I personally think that some cops are afraid to enter neighborhoods.  There are not enough police officers patrolling the black communities.  The Mayor of the city need to enforce that these police become watchmen maybe that will help.  I think there should be more community events to make the neighborhoods friendlier; this is another option that can lessen the crime rate.

This topic is sociologically interesting because this issue is causing the community to get worst every year.

*Why is this issue increasing every year and not decreasing?

*Why are people paying less attention to the situation and not trying to help?

These are questions that needs to be addressed.

A visual on the topic would open people eyes.  They can see what is really going on, because just hearing it is obviously not turning heads.  The more people talk and approach the Mayor of Police district about this issue hopefully they will start to pay more attention.  As long as people do not care about “Race Wars” the worst it will get, because it is not just the neighborhoods that is looking bad but the city as well.

About Me

My name is Rakeem Brookins often referred to as Rak around campus. I am a Philadelphia native and what brought me to Siena was the opportunity to play basketball on a full scholarship. Growing up in Philly facing the social problems that went on was one reason for me to take this class. By using visual imagery, I can take things that happen from my inter-city and show classmate’s something’s that they are not use to seeing or even hearing about happening in their community.

In this course I will be using the word press website to do all of my assignments http://sociologyofdocumentaryfilmmaking.wordpress.com/.  The course is Sociology of Documentary Filmmaking 385-9e, and it is instructed by Professor Beverly Thompson. This course teaches you to take sociological problems that is happening in the world today and putting it in a visual imagery. With visual imagery this can provide a lot more information and for certain people like me a better understanding; rather than it being written down.

These inter-city problems lead me to my topic for the class. I will be talking about the violence between the same races. This topic of Black on Black crime had grasped my attention first because I can relate to it the most. In the area that I grew up in, many people have been gunned down and stabbed which result to death when they have a problem. The media talks about it but no one takes action to help these issues. I would do something within the community to help everyone get along, well at least try.  have a community basketball event that everyone allowed to come join; free food, drinks, and ice cream. Instead of resulting in crime we should be helping one another. Giving a helping hand when others need it and giving them the proper guidance. With the hatred that people have against each other it does not allow people to get along. Genocide is not something that should be going on. Treat your race, religion, culture as family not as enemies.